Monday, July 28, 2008

by the sweat of your brow...

I have a two month window before the Fall quarter at my good ole CC kicks off. I am nearly fidgeting with excitement to do work around my yard and house.

A little while ago I was shoveling a newly arrived "yard" of gravel in my backyard. As I was sweating I was thinking to myself about how virtous labor/work is, partly to pat myself on the back for being such a stud... It's the lot of man since the garden of Eden. I grew up lazy, always trying to shirk hard work. I still do most of the time but I've learned to appreciate it a little more. Nothing beats the feeling of accomplishing something labor intensive. To me, labor is virtuous!

And yet somehow, our society looks down on labor insensive jobs as requiring the least education. It's considered a sign of success to NOT have to do labor, pay other people to do it. Most pastors or clergy that I know, or have seen, seem to have done little regular labor in their lives. To most of us, a rough man wouldn't be thought of nearly as godly as a bookish looking man.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

i'm here

being 29 I realize it is time to graduate past myspace to blogs in order to stay in touch with the greater world...

let's see if i actually ever take the time to post something